Thursday, September 27, 2007

trying to keep busy...

Okay, we're really, really busy. The windows have arrived and are now all installed. We're fighting to get last bits of straw bale wall into place. The metal roof has been ordered and should be ready early next week. The plumber has gotten nearly 100% of his inside work done. The electrician is scheduled to start working on Monday. Oh - it's also forecast to rain this weekend, so 10 tarps have been ordered and will be hung from the eaves as soon as they come in.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

misc. photos

Misc. photos fromt the disposable camera showing various OSHA approved construction practices. Also, our friends Mike and Hollie, Ruby and their dog, Coco.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

more progress...

Photographs showing entry veranda and Ame and Alex's signature wall.

Monday, September 10, 2007

amazing friends...

Only a few of our amazing friends!!

1. Joe and Zach entertain themselves

2. Tony and Ruby take a well deserved break.

3. Elder Bang and Rich Chainsaw the strawbales
4. Hollie kept the place clean & neat (a full time job).

5. Bob & Alex heft a strawbale into the construction zone.

our house is a chia pet...

These photos don't do justice to the amazing workers who toiled away all weekend to raise our walls. Heart felt thanks to Ame & Alex, Bob, Barb, Scottie & Joe, Allan, Jay, Mike and Leslie, Mike & Hollie & Coco, assistant extraordinaire Zach, Tracy, Hanna, Jacob & Kate, both Elders, Heather, Rich & Kelly, Tim, Yuri, Salvador & Friends, Tony and Andrew Morrison. And anyone I've forgotten!

Bottom picture shows our bookshelf hallway which we are so excited about!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

continuing along

View looking at the entry porch. The porch posts and porch roof framing are not up yet - but the framing will follow the same slope as the laundry roof beyond. Also the plywood has been hoisted up onto the roof for sheathing.